Thursday 24 February 2011

I Jest.

I can remember now, a visit from a lady who was a Psychic, smilingly she told me, 'You are the Jester.'  I was taken aback at first thinking she meant I was a fool, but she went on to explain that the Jester actually was far from foolish, indeed he held a privileged position.  It was he who made everyone laugh, licensed to play the fool and cleverly made them believe he was a buffoon but who was actually privy to secrets and was the only one who dared utter bad news to the Monarch. Back in Mediaeval times the Jester was chosen for his keen insight and it was believed he was inspired with poetic and prophetic powers.
 Fortunately my moustache and beard aren't as bushy as this - I've already got the red tights and I don't mind wearing bells should the Queen need me, for the wedding!


WOL said...

As I recall, the Jester was the only one allowed to criticize the king -- a priviledged position indeed. So, if the Queen has a wedding, you'll be there "with bells on?"

Sonia said...

Dear Jane, I named your blog as one of my "blog picks" to receive the "Versatile Blogger Award". It was sent to me by Snippets of Thyme this week. I have the info posted on today's blog. Have fun!

Christmas-etc... said...

So glad to hear that your mustache and beard aren't bushy!! :)
Hope you are having a lovely Sunday!

A Lady's Life said...

I had a blog on the jester a long time ago and the psychic was right and this means you are a very intelligent person.
Wow! Nice to hear isn't it????

Christmas-etc... said...

Are you still jesting? :)
Hope you are having a nice week!

WOL said...

BTW, See:

You just been awarded!

Lynn said...

I think we're two peas in a pod, Jane. I was once told during a hands-on healing course that I "had a bit of the imp" about me. Mischief makers unite! xoxo

Virginia said...

What a delightful tale. I love the rouge jester you know. I"m thinking I might fit in that category but might lean towards the "foolish" end! :)

Vicki Lane said...

Thanks for stopping by my place via Saltaire! I'm enjoying strolling through your lovely eclectic blog.

RE jester -- I've always had a particular affinity for the Fool on the Ryder Tarot deck, blissfully unaware that he's about to step off a cliff.

Ruthie Redden said...

I always loved jesters! I remember spending hours making a jester costume for my lass, it sounded wonderful with all its bells jingling! Fascinating creatures. Thank you dear Jane for you lovely words, i am still amazed that folk read my blog, and even more so that it has inspired! Have a wonderful weekend x x

Debra said...

Ah, the psychic has your number Jane. You do hold keen insight, and are inspired with poetic and prophetic powers.
And you don’t even need the red tights and bells…